Ayee everybody(:
Okay so i haven't posted an-y-thing in like...well a while and i'm completely and utterly sorry. But you missed quite somethings..
WELLL, Highschool is fabulouss! The first day was a little bit intimidating in the beginning but hugging all of the people i haven't seen in a couple of months and just seeing everyone was so reassuring! It took me a whole uhm...2 days to get used to the whole new schedule, all the people, and of course my way around the building. I love going to my locker and just talking to my boyfriend in the halls not having to worry about getting yelled at. The lunches are amazing because you can 1) get up and walk around to different tables. 2) go up to the snack line as much as you possibly can want. and 3) since the lunches are combined, you can sit with 10th, 11th and 12th graders. My class of Honors Geometry i thought was going to be miserable. I walk in the first day with my really good friend, and we look in the room and it's all sophomores, except for of course me and 4 other freshies. The only part i love about it is..and i don't want to sound snobby, but i am pretty much one of THE smartest people in the class(=
Oh uh, teehee. Yah i've been extremely happy lately, mainly because me and my boyfriend are doing amazingg [ oh and i'll post a pic of us together later lol](: but also because i just finished a big piano competition and i got the highest "grade" possible and i get to go to states in Penn State, i also get a plaque from my piano teacher for doing this 5 consecutive years in a row! Also, i'm looking forward to pretty much every single friday because football games is where it's at! lol. <3>
I feel so much older now telling people i'm in 9th grade, and saying i'm in highschool. I remember one day when the bell rang, i got out my phone ( because i'm a good girl and i don't text anymore in school lol) and took out my ipod, plugged it in and went through the halls, noticing that a lot of people were texting, listening to music, and calling people too. It kinda daunted to me that i am actually in highschool, and i actually have been surviving!
So i really didn't want to do travel soccer this fall because my team really hasn't been playing that up to par lol. But i love going to practices and practicing with the boys..teehee. They are completely immature and make it soo fun! But my coach has always been an a****** to me but lately he's been saying how lucky we are that i'm still on the team and all this stuff, weird! He always never subs me out! Which is good and bad. Good- he obv. wants me to keep playing! Bad- i get soo tired! Anyways...
I can't really think of that much more things going on in my life. I'm glad aobut being in highschool, my grades are great, my friends are drama-less.. (so far) andd i'm just doing well.
So i have a few questions for anyone who is still reading this post lol:
What was your best moment so far in school?
How was your summer lol?! Funnest part?
And what has completely gotten you in an amazing mood lately?
Thanks in advance for the answers!
Also, any requests for anything being asked, or said in future posts will be accepted!
Song of the week:
Nelly, Just a dream
Listen, Watch, Love(:
Thanks for reading this late post<3
everyone loves megan(:
My life, Your entertainment

Peace Love Write
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Q & A? Well maybe next time.
My Mom took my cable away! Gasp!
She thinks that i don't do anything during the summer and i just sit inside watching tv and i'm on this thing. But i have to argue because in the morning i either A) Go to Soccer. or B) Get up and go run a couple miles. Pshht i don't know what she's talking about!
SHOUT OUT TO EVON! I am to-tuh-lee taking her idea with this (: yo chuu there, go follow her!
here's what ima feeling;
SADNESS: i can't watch ANY of my shows on tv now since ix-nay on the cable-ay. So PLEASE fill me in on a couple shows... pretty little liars, make it or break it, and huge. (: gracias.
EXCITEMENT: i'm going over to my bestfriends house tomorrow.(: (we are nut cases and we neeeed to see eachother atleast once every 3 days or we completely start to die(:)
EAGERNESS: my camp starts on monday and i can't wait any longer!!!!
ACCOMPLISHMENT: hah this may not sound like anything but if you knew alittle bit about me, then you would get why i'm happy about this: I finished two summer reading books! only four more to go baby. (and i already started the next...look at me doing what i'm supposed to!)
HATED: ahh this may be just me..considering i'm not used to this. But at my soccer camp NONE of my friends even acknowledged my winning goal! And uhm..it was kinda for our team? No good job! or good shot! or anything.
LOVED: (way back when) it was my birthday i got [and yes i do remember, and yes i did count] 28 text messages saying happy birthday.
CONFUSED: general stuff about guys.. ppsshhhaww hey girls! we don't even need 'em!
ANNOYED: les' see.. 1) i've came across alot of forward type of things saying " describe me in one word" type of things and i sent it to this boy and he said 'pretty' but yet he won't admit if he likes me..but he always needs to bring something up about me being cool and nice and such. OH and 2) this kid that i play soccer with, well he texts me alot and he (legit) was whistling at me..and me being my stupid self didn't really realize it..and my friend told me..and he can't tell me if he likes me either! UGHH GUYS!
APPRECIATED: this week my phone has been B l O w I n G up with forwards saying things like: send this to all of your friends that have always been there for you. and things like that(: ahww
ENVIED: hah this is funny, this random girl..i'm completely legit...posted something on my facebook and it was just about how she thinks i am so pretty and i seem so nice and i have the greatest friends in the world and how she wishes she could have my talent ( i swear i dont know what shes talking about lol). I was like ahw uh thanks..girl i've never met before (: teehee
TIRED: between getting up in the morning and running, or going to soccer i've been pretty exhausted..and the heat isn't helping!
ANGER: within the past couple of days my mom has yelled at me for so much! (ex. for me dropping/spilling this little tiny fruit cup. "not respecting her" because i was listening to music instead of talking to her? For not cleaning up my room...but yet i told her the first time it was because everything was exactly where it should be and it's always like this!! I apparently "mope" around the house so she needs to ask me every 2 seconds if something is a matter and after me saying nothing is the matter she lashes out irrationaly and im completely fine the whollleee time.) and thats only a few!
UNLOVED: yeahh that word..i know its not exactly true but my mom has to make a point of saying that my brother (Justin) is her favorite..she says shes only kidding, but then why does she keep on reminding me?
PROCRASTINATION: i say i will read another chapter of my book but i never do.
Sheesh my life is complicated.
The song of the day is.....
I like it! By Enrique Iglesias
On to the next!
kay, so i'm thinking..and just if i get enough comments/questions that i will do a Q & A session type of thing. Ask me anything you would like to know about me! And in my next post i will assure you of a reply(:
Remember comments are what i thrive on.
Thank you so much for reading.
She thinks that i don't do anything during the summer and i just sit inside watching tv and i'm on this thing. But i have to argue because in the morning i either A) Go to Soccer. or B) Get up and go run a couple miles. Pshht i don't know what she's talking about!
SHOUT OUT TO EVON! I am to-tuh-lee taking her idea with this (: yo chuu there, go follow her!
here's what ima feeling;
SADNESS: i can't watch ANY of my shows on tv now since ix-nay on the cable-ay. So PLEASE fill me in on a couple shows... pretty little liars, make it or break it, and huge. (: gracias.
EXCITEMENT: i'm going over to my bestfriends house tomorrow.(: (we are nut cases and we neeeed to see eachother atleast once every 3 days or we completely start to die(:)
EAGERNESS: my camp starts on monday and i can't wait any longer!!!!
ACCOMPLISHMENT: hah this may not sound like anything but if you knew alittle bit about me, then you would get why i'm happy about this: I finished two summer reading books! only four more to go baby. (and i already started the next...look at me doing what i'm supposed to!)
HATED: ahh this may be just me..considering i'm not used to this. But at my soccer camp NONE of my friends even acknowledged my winning goal! And uhm..it was kinda for our team? No good job! or good shot! or anything.
LOVED: (way back when) it was my birthday i got [and yes i do remember, and yes i did count] 28 text messages saying happy birthday.
CONFUSED: general stuff about guys.. ppsshhhaww hey girls! we don't even need 'em!
ANNOYED: les' see.. 1) i've came across alot of forward type of things saying " describe me in one word" type of things and i sent it to this boy and he said 'pretty' but yet he won't admit if he likes me..but he always needs to bring something up about me being cool and nice and such. OH and 2) this kid that i play soccer with, well he texts me alot and he (legit) was whistling at me..and me being my stupid self didn't really realize it..and my friend told me..and he can't tell me if he likes me either! UGHH GUYS!
APPRECIATED: this week my phone has been B l O w I n G up with forwards saying things like: send this to all of your friends that have always been there for you. and things like that(: ahww
ENVIED: hah this is funny, this random girl..i'm completely legit...posted something on my facebook and it was just about how she thinks i am so pretty and i seem so nice and i have the greatest friends in the world and how she wishes she could have my talent ( i swear i dont know what shes talking about lol). I was like ahw uh thanks..girl i've never met before (: teehee
TIRED: between getting up in the morning and running, or going to soccer i've been pretty exhausted..and the heat isn't helping!
ANGER: within the past couple of days my mom has yelled at me for so much! (ex. for me dropping/spilling this little tiny fruit cup. "not respecting her" because i was listening to music instead of talking to her? For not cleaning up my room...but yet i told her the first time it was because everything was exactly where it should be and it's always like this!! I apparently "mope" around the house so she needs to ask me every 2 seconds if something is a matter and after me saying nothing is the matter she lashes out irrationaly and im completely fine the whollleee time.) and thats only a few!
UNLOVED: yeahh that word..i know its not exactly true but my mom has to make a point of saying that my brother (Justin) is her favorite..she says shes only kidding, but then why does she keep on reminding me?
PROCRASTINATION: i say i will read another chapter of my book but i never do.
Sheesh my life is complicated.
The song of the day is.....
I like it! By Enrique Iglesias
On to the next!
kay, so i'm thinking..and just if i get enough comments/questions that i will do a Q & A session type of thing. Ask me anything you would like to know about me! And in my next post i will assure you of a reply(:
Remember comments are what i thrive on.
Thank you so much for reading.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
So. I am terrible. Just terrible.
I haven't posted a n y t h i n g in a very long time, but my life has been very uneventful....
And 15 seconds to tell you what you missed
Yeah, so here is the jist of everything..
SO there ya' have it(:
I went to The Phillies Game yesterday. Yeahh yesterday, the day where it was about 1005918275716 degrees out...but it was called Photo Day and if you got there early you could go down to the field and stand and wait til' all the players come out. And ironically called photo day, some of the players don't even stop to get a photo. But me being the little charmer i am (: got a couple of the people to stop for mee...
Chad Durbin.(:
RAUUUULLLLL(: i friggin love him. (i'm wearing his shirt)
I haven't posted a n y t h i n g in a very long time, but my life has been very uneventful....
And 15 seconds to tell you what you missed
Yeah, so here is the jist of everything..
SO there ya' have it(:
I went to The Phillies Game yesterday. Yeahh yesterday, the day where it was about 1005918275716 degrees out...but it was called Photo Day and if you got there early you could go down to the field and stand and wait til' all the players come out. And ironically called photo day, some of the players don't even stop to get a photo. But me being the little charmer i am (: got a couple of the people to stop for mee...
Chad Durbin.(:
See i got one more but i couldnt up load it... J.C Romero, and also Shane Victorino but my step mom wasn't looking. sooo it wasn't too good. It was fun, and the phillies won too(:
(i was bummed because for two players i asked for a pic but some jerk and his little boy asked them too, and they stopped for him:/)
Monday, July 5, 2010
here we go(:
These are only a few pictures of my trip. Sorry for the bad quality.
Me and Denise.

Our own after party in Grannies room(:
This was the last song :( hence the staff dancing with us!

Haha! Molly and Steph dancing. (steph is doing the wiggle.)

Main table. (: yeah i sat there.

Ahw how cute(: Mike and Denise

Small little wedding cake.
This is Molly(:

Random Dancingg.

My Aunt, Uncle, And three of my cousins.

Haa Justin

Gabby and Molly.

Thats Steph for sure!(:
Me and Gabby.

Our own after party in Grannies room(:
Haha! Molly and Steph dancing. (steph is doing the wiggle.)
Main table. (: yeah i sat there.
Ahw how cute(: Mike and Denise
Small little wedding cake.
Random Dancingg.
My Aunt, Uncle, And three of my cousins.
Haa Justin
Gabby and Molly.
Thats Steph for sure!(:
Sand Ceromony!

Molly? Or is it Stephanie!?
Molly, Stephanie, Matthew and Nick playing around in the sannd.

Justin's a fruitcakee(:

Blurry I know. My fault. Us getting ready for the famouse jump picture.

Me and big bro(:

Me, Justin, Molly (i think) and Ryan.
Go Dolphins? (Ryan made me take this)
Molly? Or is it Stephanie!?
Molly, Stephanie, Matthew and Nick playing around in the sannd.
Justin's a fruitcakee(:
Me and big bro(:
Me, Justin, Molly (i think) and Ryan.
These are random pics of the hotel. Enjoy(:
The spa. (got a pedi here before the wedding)
Random picture of the sitting area, leading up to the lobby.
Waterparkk!!! Yeahh it started to rain after this shot.(:
This is the buffet restaurant. (we were heading for breakfast) Entitled; The Mill.
A shot of the not-so private spot the resort gave our group. ( just chairs and tables)

Swim up bar!:O Our group spent A LOT of time here (;

Another shot of the restaurant; The Mill. Oh and my bro ^
The main pool.

This is the shot from our not- so private spot towards the lobby(:
This is the shot from our not- so private spot towards the lobby(:
Swim up bar!:O Our group spent A LOT of time here (;
Another shot of the restaurant; The Mill. Oh and my bro ^
Thanks for reading.(:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
home, sweeeet home(:
this is a quick blogg;
SOO! i'm back.
Jamaica was all that I imagined (i've been to that exact place before but i was much younger) and i took pretty many pictures sooo i'm confused of what to put on. I have alot of everything from the resort, to the wedding, to the family..just alot of stuff. So it would be extremely helpful if you could comment on anything you'd actually be interested in seeing instead of me putting up crap pictures(: I'll tell you more about the trip in my next blog.
AHHHHH!!!! I'm turning 14 in FOUR days!!!!
i had to let that out(:
I hope your lives are going great.
SOO! i'm back.
Jamaica was all that I imagined (i've been to that exact place before but i was much younger) and i took pretty many pictures sooo i'm confused of what to put on. I have alot of everything from the resort, to the wedding, to the family..just alot of stuff. So it would be extremely helpful if you could comment on anything you'd actually be interested in seeing instead of me putting up crap pictures(: I'll tell you more about the trip in my next blog.
AHHHHH!!!! I'm turning 14 in FOUR days!!!!
i had to let that out(:
I hope your lives are going great.
Monday, June 28, 2010
It's a perfect day. Nothing's standing in my way.
These our pictures from the last day of school. Farwell day(: Comment?!
This is one of my oldest friends Courtney.
This is tyler..you can't see his signature pose, but hes doing it.
HA! oh i love him, i've known him since i was like 6? He was on my soccer team. This is Nick.
I met Jennifer last year and she was SUCH a good friend. I loved her and our memories. Ughh misseed her soo much.
Me and Regan. She used to play soccer with me when we were 9.<3>
Me and Michaela.
RHIANNON! She is soo quiet to everyone but to me she is amazing and soo outgoing.(:
Me and Christy. We became Such great friends this year.
HA! oh i love him, i've known him since i was like 6? He was on my soccer team. This is Nick.
Me and Regan. She used to play soccer with me when we were 9.<3>
Me and Michaela.
RHIANNON! She is soo quiet to everyone but to me she is amazing and soo outgoing.(:
Me and Christy. We became Such great friends this year.
My girls gotta love themm(:
Well actually my lunch table...minues cortney..(look below)
Ha, I love that guy. Yeah hes one of those guys thats always there for you<3>
From left to right; Sarah, Mike, CORTNEY (she is one of my bestfriends) and me.
Me and my ABSOLUTE bestfriend in the whole world sarah. ( we actually won bestfriends forever, in our school polls.)
Me and Maddy. She is such a good friend to me, yeah she is the next Bon Qui Qui (: lol hilarious girl
Well actually my lunch table...minues cortney..(look below)
Ha, I love that guy. Yeah hes one of those guys thats always there for you<3>
From left to right; Sarah, Mike, CORTNEY (she is one of my bestfriends) and me.
Me and my ABSOLUTE bestfriend in the whole world sarah. ( we actually won bestfriends forever, in our school polls.)
Me and Maddy. She is such a good friend to me, yeah she is the next Bon Qui Qui (: lol hilarious girl
Me and Erin. Love her sooo much!
And this is me and my other bestfriend. Jenny<3>
I am SOOO flippin hackin excited...why?
And this is me and my other bestfriend. Jenny<3>
Comment the pictures(:
I am SOOO flippin hackin excited...why?
BECAUSE.. i am going to Jamaica tomorrow! I PROMISE to take lots of pics and post them asap.
Thanks for reading
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