So this morning, I went onto a little thing called ooVoo ( ya know it?) With my best best friend sarah. And today in computer class I went on my pictures and edited them. (which in my vocabulary doesnt mean anything high-tech.) Yeahh wanna see one?

says : Wait are those the girls who won best friends forever? Why Yes! Yes they are(:
Lol. Ridiculous i know.
So the input..411, the information download..ready and....
okay 1) Answer the questions of my previous blog please. I wanna see what everyone's choices are.
2) The song of the day is Jason Derulo's Riding Solo.. Check it out(:
3) I was going to put pics up of my formal...but i decided to only put up one, because you can barely make out any people in all the other ones...
This is me and tyler sorry ladies hes taking.....lmaoo.. i edited alot because it was REALLLY blurry..just like all the other ones lol sooo thats why every thing is kinda crisp around edges and we look really tan.
Kay 4) (i think) i just got my painting back! Well let me tell you about this. In the beginning of march, end of febuary, in art class we have to pick a book cover, movie cover, game cover, cd cover basically anything and you need to draw it. Well just bigger and its worth A LOT of your grade. Sooo I picked a couple of things but my teacher claimed they were too simple.. So i ended up picking a Selena Gomez cover (YEAH i know what you are thinking " Wow selena gomez.. really!" I'm not obsessed in her i barely listen to her..but the cover was easy soo here are the two pictures of the cd cover.. and mine.

Yeahh, please don't make fun(: Haters are NOT allowedd. (oh btw i didn't have time to put the little sparklies on the lipss?)
Surprisingly i got a 98/100 (:
5) OHMG! On tuesday I took my first final of 8th grade...GERMAN! And I got a 97% on it! I was sooooooooo ooo ooo ooo happy. Now four more :/
6) This blogs shout outs go to...
Kelly Kercher. She was always one of those friends that was simply there for me(: Love her til death!
Hannah Murtaugh. With all the crap shes going through, but yet still being the same spontanious, funky, hilarious, awesome girl we all know.
Felix Figeuroa. Hes my brother..well not seriously. But he makes me feel like familyy.
Tyrell Mathis. Having the BEST hair in the world is tough work. But thank you for giving us the first ten answers to our Romeo and Juliet test while grading the other papers.(: Lol. Mrs. D didn't see it coming.
and last but definately not least...
Rhiannon Harwi. She may seem quiet to you, but to me she is incredibly outgoing. She is like my sister! Thankss girl.
And that's a wrap!!