My life, Your entertainment

My life, Your entertainment
Peace Love Write

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The world doesn't stop for anyone..

You can officially call me a freshman. Thank you, thank you.(:

Sooo my last day of 8Th grade was Friday! And believe me i was sad, but it is soo overwhelming knowing that I'm going to high school. It was funny, and you had to be there but like Wednesday we had our awards for like highest percentage in whatever. And since I'm in the smartie class all the freaking * I'M NOT RACIST* genius Asians get it! And me and my two besties were like Christy 7 awards. Cortney, Sarah and Megan a big 0. But we weren't even mad lol. Soo Thursday we had our Olympics. And geez that was pretty fun(: Yeah Friday like the last minute of the school year they told us who won. My class girls got 1st place, boys got 2ND place and overall my class won! I was SO happy. OH and Friday in front of the whole 8Th grade they did different type of awards like; Scholar Athlete, Principal award, Fitness award etc. and i won something! lol. I won principle award because i am a HUGE nerd and got A's all four quarters. Then I got the physical fitness award because I passed every fitness training we had to do like the mile, pull ups, push ups, sit ups, shuttle run, sit and reach stuff like that (yeah not a lot of girls got that award). Then me and ALOT of other people won an award for getting at least a 91 average in science. Since we were short on time they just made you stand up when they called your name instead of coming down to receive it, and my whole class stood up lol(:

So summer has settled in. Have you gotten used to waking up at 11 and not going to bed til' one? Having your best friends over for days on end? Swimming, going to Drive ins, camp outs? I'm getting more and more excited just talking about it(: [that was a bit corny lol]

Yeah so the song of the week is " If We Ever Meet Again" By Katy Perry and Timbaland. Listen, Watch, Love(:

So has anyone been keeping up with the most watched televised event? The world cup?! Well I am a soccer nut, but I never watch soccer if it's on unless for this occasion. So any ideas of who you want to win?! I'm thinking Argentina deserves to take it this year. Any disagreements?

Thanks for reading


    even though they haven't been very good so far :(

  2. LOl that's funny our last day of school was on a Thursday and our awards was on Tuesday...I got 7. One for each class (besides computers. ugh.) and an Accelerated Reader award.
    Yeah I'm gonna be a freshaman too. :) But I'm super excited!
    Have a marvelous day!

  3. Oh and I gave you an award.
    Just comment on my blog and tell me when you know that you've received the award.

